The Democracia

A Regina NewsFax published by the Friends of Corina Armstrong

Issue Number 20

Governments and Corruption, by Behrel Dom Camréal

Governments, as a rule, are in some way corrupt. Even I, not a well educated man, know this. This corruption may take many forms and be more or less visible to you the people. I am not in government but I know many whom are. I count as friends: Victor Androchev, Danirel ( Viper ) Kalugin, General Tranek, Our Lady Corina, Ghaer ( the Jackal ) Raller and others. Does this make me part of the problem? Or does it mean that I can be part of the solution, if I care. Actually it may be both. Could I have been a greater influence on my friends; would it have made any difference if I had tried? Would I be dead from some governmental or megacorp intrigue if so?

Everyone knows that I am a man of action. I have worked for and with some of the most powerful people in the Imperium. I have killed enemies of the state when I was a Marine and I have served in other capacities since then. Am I evil then? Some would argue so.

I hate all this back room spy stuff. Behind the scenes maneuvering and 5mm bullets in the back of the head disgust me. But in government, as in megacorps, such things have always, and always will, happen. I know that there are some things that it is best for "the people" to not know.

However, I do believe that government can be more honest and those in it can have integrity. I do believe that those in government can be people we can respect. We, as people, as citizens, must insist that all people should be accountable for their actions, including those who the "writers" hate most .

Our government is going through some changes as we speak. Corina is in charge and the questions about her are real. It has been asked before if she had corporate interests above our interests and it will be asked again. No one can get to the position she has without being adept at political maneuvering and back room dealing. No one can be a duke or duchess or planetary governor and survive without these skills. I hate it that it needs to be that way.

How can anyone trust those in power? If things went in my simplistic way, I would just kill off those that actively hurt the people that they are supposed to be working for and with. This is part of why I do not want this kind of power. Those that are adept at it would anger me and one of us would die. You could call it fear or cowardice, but I also know that I am not a born leader like some. Admiral Grey is one of those people. He has morals, the respect of even his enemies, and good taste in women too. I wish there were more of those like him around. I do not like him as a person, but I do not have to like him to follow him and wish others were like him.

So, I go back to the point. Do you want business as usual? I believe that Corina has a conscience and she will listen to us, to those that have supported her and to those that have opposed her as well. I will talk to her and remind her of what we as a people need to see. You should do so also.

The question is, how much control will even she have over the other powers here, other governments, megacorps, other Imperial agencies. Can she do what needs to be done? There will certainly have to be some compromises along the way. Hope that she does not have to sell the rest of our souls "for the greater good" .